(NOV 1, 2022—Toronto) Welcome to the official website for the Ex-Muslims of Toronto.
Our website and new group has officially launched, as have our social media accounts. You can find us on Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, and Meetup. Most of what we do, however, is only visible to members. So, if you’re an ex-Muslim in the Toronto area looking for community, consider joining us!
North American meetup groups have all been spun off from EXMNA. We’re now all independently run. Our focus is exclusively on meetups and community.
Have you left Islam and miss having a community of people who understand you? If you live in the Greater Toronto Area, you’re welcome to join us. The Ex-Muslims of Toronto (EXMTO) is a social and support community for ex-Muslims in Toronto and the surrounding area.
Our Manifesto articulates what we’re about and what we seek to achieve.
All applicants for membership go through a private video screening call before being added to our private community. We have private, members-only online spaces and we also host private, members-only in-person meetups. Some events allow you to bring trusted friends and family and some events are hosted in conjunction with ex-Muslim meetup groups across the US and other parts of Canada.
While many of our members are publicly ex-Muslim, many are still closeted. Our privacy and security measures are in place to protect those who wish to (or need to) stay closeted, but who still desire authentic community.
Interested? Send us an email at info@exmuslimstoronto.org and we’ll coordinate a screening call to get things rolling. More details on joining can be found here: exmuslimstoronto.org/join.